What Can I Sing Singer Features

Awesome App Features for Singers: Elevate Your Karaoke Experience

No Host Code Needed

Singers can easily join karaoke events without requiring a host code, streamlining the process.

Dark or Light Mode

Users can choose between Dark Mode or Light Mode for personalized viewing preferences.

Venue Discovery

Singers can find nearby karaoke venues on a map or in a list, making it easy to locate events.

Directions Assistance

The app provides step-by-step directions to selected venues, simplifying navigation for users.

Advanced Song Search

The "Fuzzy search" function allows singers to search for songs by title and artist simultaneously, even with partial words.

Song Requests

Singers can submit song requests directly through the app, making it convenient to select their preferred songs.

Request History

Users can track their song request history by venue, helping them keep a record of their song choices.

Favorites Management

Singers can create and manage a list of favorite songs for quick access.

Key Changes

Singers have the option to add key changes to their song requests, enhancing their performance experience.

New Song Requests

Users can request songs that are not already in the host's songbook, expanding their song choices.

Request Status Tracking

Singers can monitor the status of their song requests, ensuring they stay informed about when their songs will be played.

Seamless Venue Details Access

While logged into a venue, singers can access venue details without the need to log out and log in again.

Portable Songbook

Singers can take the songbook home with them, allowing for practice and song selection outside of karaoke events.

Request Withdrawal

If singers change their minds or decide to leave, they can easily withdraw song requests directly from the app.

Flexible Account Creation

Singers can create accounts using email, Facebook, or Apple ID, providing flexibility in account setup and management.

Account Linking and Management

Users can link and change their account details as needed, ensuring ease of use and personalization.

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